Guest Blog Posting Guidelines
We only accept quality content on our blog. Feel free to look at our blog and see the type of content we’ve already published.
Here are some examples of article topics we write about:
- New and unique trends in technology.
- Anything about WordPress, web development, email marketing, and eCommerce stores
- Stories related to freelancing, entrepreneurship, or diversity in tech & design.
- Online learning and resources for being a better creative.
Here are the guidelines:
- Guest posts can not be promotional.
- Minimum 1200 words (must be unique).
- Always write with beginners in mind.
- Don’t compress your images, we’ll handle that. They must also be a minimum of 900 px wide.
- Try to interlink to our other content while you write. We can also help interlink your content after the fact as well.
- The last paragraph should always have a header of “Summary.”
- Prepare a doc file, insert visuals (images, GIF, or other) at the right place, attach visuals in a zip, and send to [email protected].
- Provide a short bio (50 words or less) and your gravatar email. This makes sure we can pull your biopic.
- You can include one link in your bio, marked as dofollow. We can also include your Twitter handle.
- One dofollow link within the content of the post itself is also usually fine.
Due to the massive backlog of the content we have, guest blog posts are typically published within 1-2 weeks after the final draft has been approved. We will share these on social and they will go out via our newsletter.